This story was published in the Taj Mahal Review, June 2017 ( Kesh marched into the living room, a glass of bourbon in hand. In the other, a pack of Gauloises, half crushed by his tight grip. He plopped down on the couch, set the drink on the coffee table, and ran a hand through […]
Vāsanās are also karmic imprints that determine future lives. While I’m not sure about reincarnation, I do feel as if vāsanās planted deep in the soil of my mind years ago in India sprung into the heads of my characters and gave them life. The blogs below consist of satirical essays, short stories, vignettes and, well, just about anything that comes to my mind–all personal and most sprouting from my time in India.
This essay appeared in The Satirist, February 11, 2017 ( WASHINGTON, D.C. Following massive protests in the United States and around the world, President Trump has rescinded his ban on immigrants from seven Muslim countries. In its place, he has issued a new Executive Order (EO) banning non Indo-European words. “From this day on,” […]
At first, I thought my novel would be a thinly veiled autobiography. After all, wasn’t I Simon, the green architect who lands up in India? I dragged all the journals I had written during my years there and more or less envisioned the novel as a 350-page string of journal entries. But five years later, […]
Last week I was driving from one New England town to another with my wife and younger daughter, a junior in high school. During our gazillion mile tour of small liberal arts colleges, I was beginning to get desperate for Indian food – none was to be found anywhere. But it wasn’t just the lack […]